Onwards and upwards

Hey everybody! Just a little update on how I have been getting on...

First up about 2 weeks ago I had my first check up with Mr Choi to see how everything was going since my operation. I was slightly nervous because just after my op I had been getting nerve pain in my left arm and not sure whether this was normal or not but when I visited him he reassured me it was and he told me it was where the nerves were still healing and may cause pain and discomfort but is only temporary. Woo! He was really pleased with my walking and how it was pretty much back to normal so quickly. Still need to build muscle since losing it so quickly while in hospital so its back to the gym as soon as chemo is finished *sob* but everything is going really well so far. Yay!

Me and my lovely mum whilst out for lunch
Seabass and crispy chorizo.. amazing!

Day out in oxted and think I saw the smallest cinema ever built!

Hi my name is Imogen, and I have a make up obsession. Need to stop buying make up!

I've also had another couple rounds of chemo but strangely havent been feeling too bad at all which has been great! I've definitely made the most of having energy and gone out with family and friends which has been lovely. I even had a few glasses of wine which I haven't felt well enough to do in sooo long (Admittedly I didnt enjoy the hangover the next day) Its given me a taste of normal life and knowing that I have only a couple of months to go till I get it back is even more exciting! 3 more rounds to go! May not sound a lot but I am counting down every minute till the last day HURRY!!
